Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Round-Up: February 16

Here is a round-up of today's blog posts - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might prefer to subscribe by email. I'm Twittering again now at Aesopus and AesopusEnglish.

HODIE: ante diem quartum decimum Kalendas Martias (and yes, you can have your own Roman Google Calendar).

VERBUM HODIERNUM: Today's word is the tiny adverb TUM - read a brief essay about the word at the Verbosum blog. Here's one of the sayings you can find in the essay: Fortuna vitrea est; tum cum splendet, frangitur., "Fortune is like glass; when it is shining, it shatters."

BESTIARIA PROVERBS: There are some new animal proverbs today for VOLUCRIS , the bird, and LENS, the nit (as in the phrase "nit-picking"... although I'm guessing quite a few people don't really know what nits are!).

PROVERB PODCAST: The latest podcasts are for Disce legendo , "Learn by reading," and Amat victoria curam , "Victory loves carefulness."

FABULAE FACILES: The new easy-to-read fable is Sus Parturiens et Lupus, the story of the wolf who wanted to play midwife to the sow.

MILLE FABULAE: FABLE OF THE DAY: The fable for today is Scorpio et Iuvenis, the story of boy who accidentally grabbed a scorpion. (You can also a free PDF copy of the Mille Fabulae et Una book.)

MILLE FABULAE: ILLUSTRATIONS: The latest fables with images are Grues et Agricola, the story of how the cranes ended up living among the pygmies, and Canis Fugitivus et Herus, the story of a dog who rebuked his hypocritical master.

ENGLISH AESOP: The latest new fables are The Two Pots and The Lion and the Goats. (Plus, there's an English "fable of the day" each day, too.)

GOOGLE BOOKS: Today's Google Book is Fowle's First East Latin Reading Book - Roman History, which is really more a Roman mythology, focused on Romulus and Remus.

TODAY'S MOTTOES & PROVERBS: Widgets available at

Tiny Proverbs: Today's tiny proverb is: Finem respice (English: Consider the end).

3-Word Mottoes Verb-less: Today's 3-word verb-less motto is Fortiter, fideliter, feliciter (English: Bravely, faithfully, and happily).

Latin Animal Proverb: Today's animal proverb is Qui vult caedere canem, facile invenit fustem (English: He who wants to beat a dog easily finds a stick).

Proverbs of Polydorus: Today's proverb from Polydorus is: Doctrina sua noscitur vir (English: A man is known by his learning.).

Proper Name Proverb from Erasmus: Today's proper name proverb from Erasmus is Apertae Musarum ianuae (English: The doors of the Muses are open; from Adagia 2.7.41 - Erasmus explains that these words apply to someone who is quick-witted, while when a man is dim-witted, the doors of the Muses are closed).

Greek Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Ἅπαντα ὁ λιμὸς γλυκέα, πλῆν ἁυτοῦ, ποιεῖ (English: Hunger makes all things sweet, except for itself).

For an image today, here is a medieval sculpture showing a crane battling a pygmy: 477. Grues et Agricola. Grues agricolae arva depopulabantur quibus nuper frumentum severat triticeum. Et ille, vacua longum quassata funda, fugabat aves perculsas metu. Quem cum intellexere funda ferientem auras, despexere deinceps ut iam non fugerent, donec non diutius egit quomodo sueverat, sed iactis lapidibus contudit plurimas. Grues autem, agro derelicto, aliae aliis “Fugiamus,” crocitabant, “in pygmaeorum regionem. Homo iste non amplius nos territare velle videtur, sed incipit iam et facere aliquid.” (source)